The Turn of The Screw
"The Turn of the Screw" is a chilling gothic tale of psychological suspense. When a governess is hired to care for two young orphans in an English estate, she soon becomes haunted by eerie apparitions. As she grapples with her sanity and the true nature of the haunting, James crafts a gripping narrative that blurs the lines between reality and imagination. A timeless classic that continues to captivate readers with its unsettling atmosphere and enigmatic plot twists.
"The Turn of the Screw" is a chilling gothic tale of psychological suspense. When a governess is hired to care for two young orphans in an English estate, she soon becomes haunted by eerie apparitions. As she grapples with her sanity and the true nature of the haunting, James crafts a gripping narrative that blurs the lines between reality and imagination. A timeless classic that continues to captivate readers with its unsettling atmosphere and enigmatic plot twists.
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Taksit Sayısı | Taksit tutarı | Genel Toplam |
Tek Çekim | 85,05 | 85,05 |
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